12 Feb BPC Exec. Council: WH Infrastructure Proposal Should Spur Congressional Action
Washington, D.C.– The following is a statement from Michele Nellenbach, director of strategic initiatives at the Bipartisan Policy Center, on the release of President Trump’s infrastructure investment proposal:
“BPC’s Executive Council on Infrastructure welcomes the release of President Trump’s Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America as a catalyst for bipartisan, bicameral action to address our country’s crumbling infrastructure.
“We applaud inclusion in the president’s proposal of incentives for state and local governments to institute policies in line with the recommendations of our council. Importantly, the proposal incentivizes better management of, and budgeting for, our nation’s infrastructure. It includes provisions to address long-term operations and maintenance costs and looks at new procurement and project delivery approaches that will increase efficiencies and reduce long-term costs.
“America faces $3 trillion in infrastructure needs. To address those needs, all possible funding and financing options must be under consideration. There is broad agreement that something must be done soon to address current deficiencies and future improvements. Unfortunately, the federal funding in the president’s framework is not sufficient to meet the ambitious goals to which it aspires.
“However, the outline does provide a good starting point for Congress to get to work. To maximize available resources, the final legislation must balance the White House’s desire for state and local incentives, the increases in dedicated fees many in Congress have advocated for, and the inducements for private investment our council and others have recommended.”
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